
Lip Filler

Lip Filler (lip filling) has become one of the most popular aesthetic procedures among women in recent years. Lip filling is preferred by women who want fuller and younger-looking lips. However, before you have this procedure done, you should know everything you need to know about lip filling in order to make the right decision.

What is Lip Filling?

Lip filling is the process of adding extra volume to the lips using filling materials such as hyaluronic acid or collagen. This procedure makes the lips look fuller and more attractive. Lip filling is a temporary procedure that provides a natural-looking result. During the procedure, the filling material is injected into the lips, increasing their volume.

How is Lip Filling Done?

Lip filling should be done by an expert aesthetic doctor. The procedure is performed in an office setting and usually takes around 30 minutes. During the procedure, the doctor injects the filling material into the lips. The injection points follow the natural lip lines. A slight pain may be felt during the procedure, but post-procedure pain is usually minimal.

What Filling Material is Used?

The filling materials used for lip filling include hyaluronic acid and collagen. Hyaluronic acid is a more popular choice since it is a natural substance. Hyaluronic acid not only gives volume to the lips but also moisturizes them and provides a natural shine. Collagen is a preferred option for thicker lips.

How is Lip Filling Applied?

Lip filling can be applied through several different methods. The most common method is injection. In the injection method, the filling material is injected into the lips using a needle. This method provides the fastest results. However, it can be painful and can cause side effects such as swelling and bruising in some patients.

Another method is the cannula method. The cannula method uses a smaller cannula instead of a needle to inject the filling material. This method causes less pain and fewer side effects than the injection method.

Finally, the laser method can also be used for lip filling. The laser method uses laser beams to apply the filling material to the lips for volumization. This method is the least invasive and minimizes pain. However, the results obtained with the laser method may be less permanent than those obtained with the injection or cannula method.

What to Consider Before Lip Filling?

  1. Before lip filling, it is important to plan the procedure correctly. There are also some things to consider before and after the procedure:
  2. Before the procedure, avoid using blood-thinning medications such as aspirin. Blood-thinning medications can increase the risk of bleeding.
  3. It is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption a week before the procedure. Alcohol can increase swelling and bruising after the procedure.
  4. Before and after the procedure, you can reduce swelling and bruising by using ice compresses.
  5. After the procedure, you should avoid the sun for at least one day. The sun can increase swelling and bruising.

Who is not suitable for lip filling?

Lip filling is generally a suitable procedure for healthy individuals. However, in some cases, lip filling may not be suitable. Those who are not suitable for lip filling are:

  • Individuals with bleeding disorders
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • Individuals with allergic reactions
  • Individuals with herpes virus

What should be taken into consideration after lip filling?

After lip filling, it is important to take some precautions due to the sensitivity of the lips. Here are some things to consider after the procedure:

  • Apply ice to the lips for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Ice will help reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Avoid hot or cold food and drinks during the first week.
  • Avoid applying pressure to the lips during the first week, especially when sleeping by not placing your face on the lips.
  • Avoid the sun and use sun protection during the first week.
  • Avoid exercise for 3-4 days after lip filling, as exercise can increase circulation and worsen swelling and bruising.

How long does lip filling take?

Lip filling takes approximately 20-30 minutes using the injection or cannula method. When using the laser method, the procedure can be shorter. However, the procedure time may vary depending on the filling material used and the application area.

Is Lip Filler Permanent?

Lip filler is a temporary procedure with a varying duration of effect. Lip filler performed with injection or cannula method typically lasts between 6-12 months. Lip filler performed with laser method may be less permanent and last for approximately 3-6 months.

Is Lip Filler Safe?

Lip filler is a safe procedure when applied correctly. However, like any procedure, there are some risks. After lip filler is applied, side effects such as swelling, bruising, pain, infection, and allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced and specialist physician before getting lip filler.


Lip filler is a popular cosmetic procedure used to increase the volume and shape of the lips. Lip filler applied with injection, cannula, or laser method is typically a temporary procedure and lasts between 6-12 months. Lip filler is a safe procedure when applied correctly, but like any procedure, there are some risks.

It is important to speak with a physician prior to the procedure to clarify your expectations and desires, and to learn all the details about the procedure. Swelling and bruising of the lips are normal after lip filler, so it is better to rest for a few days after the procedure and take time off work. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid wearing makeup for the first week, and to wait at least 24 hours for the lips to heal. It may take a few days for the lips to return to their normal appearance, and the recovery time may vary depending on the type of filler material and the application area.

Lip Filler | Before - After

FAQ's about Lip Filler

A slight pain may be felt during the lip filler procedure. However, the pain is generally minimal and can be reduced with the use of local anesthetics.

It is possible to go to work after lip filler. However, swelling and bruising of the lips after the procedure is normal. Therefore, it is better to rest for a few days after the procedure and take time off work.

Before getting lip filler, it is important to consult an experienced and expert doctor. Additionally, it is important to clarify your expectations and desires with the doctor before the procedure and learn all the details about the procedure.

A slight pain may be felt during the lip filler procedure. However, the pain is generally minimal and can be reduced with the use of local anesthetics.

Swelling and bruising of the lips after lip filler is normal. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply makeup in the first few days after the procedure. It is better to wait at least 24 hours for the lips to heal.

After lip filler, it may take a few days for the lips to return to their normal appearance. Swelling and bruising can continue for about 3-4 days. Depending on the type of filler material and application area, the lips will fully heal in approximately one week.

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